To Be A Man

📷 Meya Ukasha
(Why Men Cry)
To be a man,
Kila mtu anadhani hauumi,
When they see you cry,
They think it is a lie-
Because you are a man.

You must not show that you are hurt,
Because Wanaume hawajui maumivu ni nini, 
They have never known how labour pain is-
For that is what real pain is.

To be a man,
You are an abuser when you beat a woman,
When she beats you- she's emancipating.
She's defending herself from the 'beasts' men are.

Woman can seduce you and it is normal, 
When you seduce a woman,
You are a rapist-
A man with no dignity.
In fact you are just a shameless brat with no brains. 

To be a man,
You cry or you don't cry,
You are still a liar, you lie.
You lie even when you are about to die,
To die from the pain you can't comply.

To be a man,
You have to feel shame for what happened to you, 
You have to be a criminal when you are a victim,
You will be charged for victimizing a woman who made you victim.

That's why I am here talking to men,
Who are men because they were born boys.
To men who are men because they got married to women who beat them and they are the ones abusing.
To men who cry because they are hurt.
To men who were jailed for being victims.
To men who cry but they still lie,
They lie because they are men who all lie. 
To men who are raped but are branded rapists because men are never raped.

I am here talking to boys,
Boys who are yet to be men who will lie.
To boys like me who are raped but fear to carry the shame,
To boys being raped every  day in bedrooms,
To boys being raped in bathrooms,
By women with dignity.
To those boys whose parents don't pay attention to, 
To boys who are victimized every day.
To boys who lie the lie that tells the truth.

Today I am here to talk to boys who are yet to be men,
To speak for the boys who are yet to be men,
Speak for the men they would become.
I am here to talk to myself-
For not opening up when I was younger that I got raped by a woman who they brought to keep our house. 

© George William Ochago. 
@George The Tired Poet. 


  1. Thank you for this poetic voice, many men are suffering silently.


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